This particular
Sketch Charlotte "assignment" was for the films of Wes Anderson chosen by
Henry Eudy. I was thinking about doing something from the Royal Tenenbaums but decided to go with Steve Zissou instead. At the time I had no idea that the
Chris Brunner had done an incredible take on the character (colors by one
Rico Renzi). I'm glad I saw this AFTER I did mine, otherwise I probably wouldn't have even attempted it!
Long story short, I penciled this piece and was set to ink it at last week's Sketch Charlotte meeting but wused out at the last second only to have
the inimitable Henry Eudy step in and graciously ink it. I saw pics from his digital camera along the way, but I finally saw it in person last night and I am blown away...possibly the happiest I've been in a long time with anything my name has been attached to! I hope you guys enjoy it half as much as I do...thanks again Henry!